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WeWork Labs Demo Day
Demos by Ace&Everett, Brayola, Dear Kate, LookBooker, Pradux & Teddy Stratford. Judges incl. Augusta Falletta (BuzzFeed Style), Jacob Wood (Woodies Clothing), Sammy Walsh (CollegeFashionista) & Sutian Dong (FirstMark Capital). |
| WeWork SoHo West, 69 Charlton St, New York
Jan 28 (Wed) , 2015 @ 06:00 PM
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<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;">Five of New York's most exciting tech companies are showcasing their products at WeWork Labs Demo day!</SPAN><BR><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;">Join us at WeWork SoHo West on January 28th to connect with entrepreneurs, enjoy food & drinks, and to learn more about these promising startups. Each member has no more than three minutes to pitch followed by a three minute Q&A, each attendee votes on the winner! The winner receives a prize, everyone goes home happy and better connected to the startup community.</SPAN><BR><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;">Attendance is limited, so please RSVP. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about WeWork or WeWork Labs, please email Daniel (doduffy [at] wework.com).</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;">Presenters:</SPAN></P>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><A TITLE="Dear Kate" HREF="http://www.dearkates.com/" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow">Dear Kate</A>, smart, strong, high-performance clothing for the modern woman</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><A TITLE="Getback" HREF="http://www.getback.net" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow">Getback</A>, saving your business time, money and working capital every time your employees spend company funds</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><A TITLE="Pradux" HREF="http://www.pradux.com/" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow">Pradux</A>, connecting you with your favorite styles, from TV stars to your friends and followers</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;"><A TITLE="Teddy Stratford" HREF="http://www.teddystratford.com" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow">Teddy Stratford</A>, the best fitted shirt on the planet</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: helvetica; font-size: small;">TBA</SPAN></LI>