SF Tech Events Weekly
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Come Socialize With Fellow Founders & Investorsn What is this?nA casual event to bring tech founders & investors together. No overt pitching or selling allowedjust fun conversation & genuine connection to avoid overly transactional & fake introductions. Attendees can buy their own food or drink if they wish (optional).n Why come?nFind your next investment or investornMake friends & future referrers or partnersnHave fun & enjoy a night offn Where is it?nExact location will be shared with attendees the day before & the day of the event.n Who is this event best suited for?nSeed & Series A Founders in B2B Software or Consumer (pre-seed is fine with strong traction)nVC Partners & Angels who invest in the abovenWe personally review each applicant using LinkedIn, websites, AngelList, Crunchbase, web traffic, mutual connections, & other sources, etc.nWe also make intros to partners who attend based on their thesis. VC Funds are welcome to cohosting, sponsorship or speaking opportunities. Please contact the host for more info.nThis ensures high-caliber attendees. See past examples of events here, & here.nnAbout the host: Connor WilsonnConnor Wilson is the Founder & CEO at Pilot:nBuilding an AI-Powered Collaborative Travel Hub used by more 25,000 travelers (rated 4.7 stars), & featured in TechCrunch, Forbes, & others. Pilot is a top 3 BC Tech finalist for Startup of the Year, & raised over $1mil from investors.nPrior to Pilot, he grew NiceJob (marketing SaaS) to an 8-figure bootstrapped exit.nHe is a proud, maple-syrup-loving Canadian, as well as a C100 Fellow, alumni of NEXT Canada & TechCrunch Startup Battlefield, & the Creative Destruction Lab.nFollow or contact Connor via LinkedinnSubscribe to this event calendar to be updated about future events: https://lu.ma/sf-founders