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Wed, Jul 25, 2018 @ 06:00 PM   $10   Parisoma, 169 11th St
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Why do some brands stick in your mind & others don't? How do you know when your marketing has just the right amount of pop to get you seen?
Branding & marketing are not just about putting your small business out there, it's about being clear & creative in how you do it. Join us for this hands-on workshop where you will learn & immediately put into action three elements that get your business more attention & more clients.
- Learn how to clarify your message so people GET IT FAST
Business owners are often "too far in" to their business to communicate it in a way that people understand. They use expert speak to explain things that are obvious to them, but complicated to their potential customers. In today's information-dense world, we need to communicate clearly & succinctly so people listen. In this workshop, I'll teach you three points you need to hit for your customer to GET YOU, fast
- Learn how to identify your business voice & tone

Once you have landed on what you're going to say, it's time to decide how you're going to say it. Every business has a personality, & deciding some basic styles up front will keep you on brand & save you lots of time copywriting later. In this workshop, I'll walk you through an exercise to help you identify your company's voice & tone.
-Jumpstart your business creative mindset
You may think creative marketing & ad campaigns are only for the big companies who have lots of money to spend. That's simply not true. Every business no matter the size has the ability & duty to get creative. How else are you going to get our attention? In this workshop, I'll show you some great examples of low budget creative marketing & walk you through an exercise to get your creative juices flowing.

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