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House of Web3, 103 Montgomery St, San Francisco
Nov 15 (Fri) @ 06:30 PM


#HACK is an annual global hackathon convened by Indigitous that brings together the collective skills of Christian technologists, entrepreneurs, & anyone else desiring to put their faith & talents to work for Jesus. Whether you are a skilled technologist, a marketing professional, a non-profit leader, a project manager or just someone who wants to put their faith into action, join us to create technology with a missional focus.

Learn more about FaithTech Labs or Indigitous #HACK


6:30pm - Dinner & Mingling

7:00pm - #HACK Kick Off: Worship, Intro to Challenge Topics

8:00pm - Ideation Workshop

8:30pm - Project Pitches & Team Formation

9:00pm onwards - Project Work Time


6:00am - #HACK Global Connect Call | Breakfast

8:00am - Team Devotional

All day - Project Work Time

12:00pm - Lunch

5:00pm - Project Submissions & Dinner

6:00pm - Project Presentations & Celebration

Schedule subject to updates & adjustments.

1. How might Christians in the church, parachurch, & workplace collaborate to identify, reach, & disciple those who have limited to no access to the gospel?
The majority of Great Commission efforts are directed to populations who currently have access to the gospel. However, there are many people who have limited to no gospel access. These unreached & marginalized populations often are disconnected from traditional church structures, but are connected to a variety of governmental, educational, medical, & commercial institutions. Thus, reaching the unreached remains a priority for collaborative mission outreach by the church, parachurch, & workplace.

2. How might Christians in the church, parachurch, & workplace collaborate to reach & disciple others in & through this digital age to become more like Christ in wisdom, virtue, & fruitful living?
The majority of the global population lives & works in a digital world. The digital realm is now an increasingly important source of community, knowledge, & identity formation. Thus, questions arise as to the role of digital technology in the act of discipleship: in developing wisdom, growing virtue, & cultivating fruitful Christians to make a difference in their everyday lives. There is a need to reimagine forming every person to follow the way of Jesus in their particular context, guarding against a virtual & disembodied faith, while leaning into the new avenues of equipping everyone instantaneously in their time & place, sharing resources globally.

3. How might Christians in the church, parachurch, & workplace collaborate to reach & disciple the many people & groups relocating from their homeland, to live for Christ wherever they are?
In our contemporary age, the numbers of people who have moved from their homeland, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, is significant. Whether migrating, fleeing as a refugee, or pursuing international education or employment, people on the move experience relocation challenges ranging from community formation, ethnic identity, religious expression, economic status & more. These challenges create opportunities for hospitably sharing Christ in word & deed, forming whole-life disciples wherever they go to the places they live, learn, work, play, shop, & serve.

Read more about the gaps in Lausanne Movement's State of the Great Commission Report.

* Photographs & videos may be taken during this event. Please contact us in advance if you would not like to be a part of videos & photos. Else, by attending, you are agreeing to participate in our media.

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