Join new & old friends for one of the biggest events of the year, our San Francisco Summer Reunion! It'll be a fun evening of mingling, light bites, & catching up - we can't wait to see you there.nIf you need more reasons to attend:n We'll be hosting our reunion at the Bain Capital Ventures office in San Franciscon Our tasteful friends are helping to curate great food & beverage options, including drinks both alcoholic & otherwise (age permitting!).nWhether you've been to a Columbia in Tech event before or not, we'd love to see you there! Also, we would love to have your +1's! Please make sure that your +1's fill out our RSVP form as well.nColumbia in Tech is a community of alumni in the industry coming together to build friendships & mutual support. You can learn more about us on our website (www.columbiaintech.com). If you aren't on the list already, stay up-to-date on the latest by subscribing to our newsletter (https://airtable.com/shr8MgPWAp5IQZaZT).nThank you to Bain Capital Ventures for sponsoring this event.