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With Mark Wippich (CEO, MPW), Vishal Chatrath (QuantrolOx), Lisa Rooth (COO, ScalinQ), Nils Berglund (Head of Strategic Partnerships, Kvantify), Anna Delin (Innovation Mgr, Vinnova), Matt Aistrich (Advisor, Business Finland).
Thu, Dec 07, 2023 @ 05:30 PM   FREE   Nordic Innovation House, 470 Ramona St
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Nordic Innovation House-Silicon Valley is all about collaboration & building bridges. We bring together the most passionate entrepreneurs, & corporations & investors looking into finding new innovative solutions, & researchers working on building better societies.

Join us for the Nordic Academic Meetup! The evening will start with some inspiring words from the host & partners, followed by a short expos of the Nordic Quantum Ecosystem & an engaging fire side chat.

We close the evening with drinks & snacks.


5:30 pm House opens

6:00 pm Welcome Words & introductions

Nordic Innovation House: Anna Delin, MSc, Senior Innovation Manager, Vinnova
Nordic Academic Meetup: Matt Aistrich, DBA, Senior Advisor, Business Finland
Short presentations by Quantum Experts followed by a fireside chat on the topic Quantum Innovations & the Nordic Ecosystem moderated by sa Wallin, PhD, Director of Future Precision Health, Senior Advisor International Affairs, Linkping University. Panelists includes:

Mark Wippich, CEO, MPW
Vishal Chatrath, Master of Engineering, Co-Founder & CEO, QuantrolOx
Lisa Rooth, MSc, Co-Founder & COO, ScalinQ
Nils Berglund, Ph.D., Head of Strategic Partnerships, Kvantify
7:00-8:30 pm Networking

This event is hosted by Nordic Innovation House in collaboration with Business Finland, Vinnova & Innovation Centre Denmark
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