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Bringing together scientists, designers, developers & innovators
Sat, May 31, 2014 @ 10:00 AM   FREE   Magnet NYU School of Engg, 2 MetroTech Center, 8th Fl

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Life in the city is complicated, and sometimes the only way to solve an urban problem is with a hack-a science hack, that is. Science hacks are low-cost, elegant workarounds that create useful scientific projects. Science Hack Day is a two-day event that brings together scientists, designers, developers and innovators who will invent, build and test their projects.Participants will compete in teams to produce Science Hacks that all New Yorkers can use. Join us for the entire weekend or just stop by for a one-hour Pop-Up Workshop.
Examples of projects include:
Swabbing bacteria on the subways to map the microbiome of NYC
Recording city sounds on smartphones to create an online urban soundscape
Building low-cost spectrometers to measure water quality locally
Recording the oral history of New Yorkers with head-mounted displays
Detecting air pollution using lichen on trees
And whatever else you can dream up
How It Works: Teams will form on Saturday morning after listening to project pitches by both professional scientists and motivated amateurs. Don't be shy! Science Hacks usually need a wide spectrum of skills, including programming, web design, electronics engineering, writing, illustrating, and marketing. During the weekend, a series of Pop-Up Workshops will feature scientists explaining how to participate in specific Science Hacks, and why your contribution matters. Awards for the best Science Hacks will be selected by a panel of judges and presented at the finale of Science Hack Day NYC, on Sunday afternoon.
Who Participates? Anyone interested in science and with skills and time to contribute is welcome. Space is limited so registration is required to this free event. When you register, please share your interests and skills, and let us know which Science Hacks or Pop-Up Workshops you are interested in from our list of confirmed activities. Feel free to suggest your own Science Hack!
Ages 18 and above.
Presented in collaboration with New York University's Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) and the School of Engineering's Integrated Digital Media Program (MAGNET.)
Saturday, May 31, 2014
10:00 AM: Check-in and Breakfast
11:00 AM: Lightning Talks (scientists pitch their proposed Science Hacks)
12:00 PM onwards: Teams work on their Science Hacks, day and night!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
5:00 PM: Presentations & Awards (Prizes in categories Best Science, Best Tech, Best Social Impact, Best Design and Crowd Choice)

Day 1 Pop-Up Workshops:
Collect Data for an Online Urban Soundscape with your Smart Phone
Build and Use a Smartphone Spectrometer for Water Pollution Measurements
Measure Air Pollution by Tracking the Size of Lichen on Trees
Use the Processing Power of your Smartphone to Contribute to Cancer Research
Day 2 Workshops:
Test out Google Glass as Part of Project to Record New York's Oral History
Swab the Subways of New York to Collect Data for a DNA analysis of the Microbes in NYC
Record and Analyze the Contents of a Typical New York Trash Can
Classify Images of Cities at Night to Estimate Light Pollution
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