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Sat, May 27, 2023 @ 02:15 PM   FREE   Venue, 3160 De La Cruz Blvd, Rm 100
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ChatGPT series sharing
From May to June 2023, Guyu Bookstore & Ideal Refraction launched the ChatGPT series of sharing activities. The event is divided into four phases:

Phase 1: ChatGPT primer. Give everyone an overview of the basics of LLM, RL, & ChatGPT, & guide novices to get started.

The theme of the second issue is philosophy. AI is becoming more & more human-like? Is the very existence of humanity itself challenged? In this issue, we will present to you some recent representative academic articles to see how the ideological circles agree, oppose, or analyze this issue. And clarify some concepts from Intelligence, Consciousness, Language.

The theme of the third issue is the philosophy of computer science of AI. Analyze what & how ChatGPT is learning from system theory, information theory, & game theory, & how is it related to the process of human interaction with the world? In addition, what is emergence (emergence)? What does Aristotle indicate when he said "the whole is more than the sum of its parts"?

The theme of the fourth issue is education. Artificial intelligence has been running for seventy years. In yesterday's world, how many generations of history have a generation experienced. And what kind of tomorrow's world will our next generation face? In this issue, apart from exploring creativity, critical thinking, talent needs, conflicts between human & AI values, & other challenges faced by individuals & societies, it also explores some solutions for the transformation of the next generation education paradigm.

Introduction to sharing content
In the first issue, Shaojian Zhu, a Google engineer & senior AI technology lecturer, will give you an overview of ChatGPT. The time & place are detailed below.

Friends who sign up for the event, please join the group. The details of the event will be released later, welcome to continue to pay attention!

Event times & locations
Saturday, May 27, 2023 2:15 - 4:15 pm (PT)

Participation method (offline):

Room 100, 3160 De La Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054

This event will be videotaped, edited & uploaded to Guyu's official YouTube channel, so stay tuned
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