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With Karin Golde (Founder, West Valley AI), Luis Diaz (Product Evangelist, Insurance AI), Ofer Mendelevitch (Dev Relations, Vectara), Vyjayanthi Vadrevu (Anthropologist).
Tue, Dec 05, 2023 @ 06:00 PM   $25   Alhambra Irish House, 831 Main St
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Tech Events weekly email newsletter.
Saddle up & join us for an unforgettable journey into the untamed frontier of AI at our exclusive event, where the Wild West meets cutting-edge technology. Silicon Valley is the new incarnation of the Wild West, filled with both pioneers & outlaws, white hats & black hats. It's time to dispel the myths & uncover the reality of AI.

Date:November 7th

Location: Alhambra Bar, the historic venue where legends like Wyatt Earp once roamed & now transformed into a hub of innovation & inspiration.

Get ready to hear from three trailblazing speakers who will unravel the mysteries surrounding AI & reveal its true potential. They'll share their insights, experiences, & success stories, shedding light on how AI is transforming industries & shaping our future.

Join us as we explore the Wild West of AI, where innovation & opportunity collide. Discover how AI is revolutionizing everything from healthcare to finance, & learn how you can harness its power to stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.

But this event isn't just about learning-it's about connecting. Network with like-minded professionals, industry experts, & visionaries who are shaping the future of AI. Forge valuable connections, exchange ideas, & be part of the AI revolution.

Don't miss your chance to be part of this groundbreaking event. Reserve your spot now & be prepared to witness the clash between the old & the new, the myths & the realities, in the Wild West of AI.

RSVP today & secure your place in history. The Wild West of AI awaits!

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