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With Arie Abecassis (Venture Partner, DreamIt Ventures & Co-Founder, AppStori)
Fri, May 23, 2014 @ 12:00 PM   $100   General Assembly East, 902 Broadway, 4th Fl

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Arie Abecassis
Venture Partner, DreamIt Ventures; Co-Founder, AppStori

One of the most critical issues facing entrepreneurs is deciding if and when it makes sense to raise outside capital. Access to capital cannot only help accelerate product development and sales, but in many cases, partnering with the right investors can influence the trajectory of a business. This series will help students understand term sheets, initial rounds of investment, and how to retain value and control. We'll also discuss what to do with that money once you have it so you can create exit opportunities and potential for future funding.

Session I - [Raising Startup Capital]

Determine capital requirements and whether outside funding is appropriate
Learn to identify and approach potential investors
Discover the pros and cons of raising funds from angels vs venture capitalists See what methodologies to use in determining valuation and terms
Explore the value of accelerators as a source of capital and leverage
Understand the emerging role of online crowd-funding platforms
Session II - [Negotiating the Term Sheet]

Review the standard components of a term sheet
Learn how valuations are determined, and how pricing can be maximized
Understand the role of investor mix in influencing deal pricing and structure
See how dividends, liquidation preferences and anti-dilution rights impact the "effective" valuation of a startup
Hear about protective provisions typically sought by outside investors
Learn best practices in establishing governance
Session III- [Use of Proceeds: Achieving Capital Efficiency]

Cover the typical cost structure for a software startup, and how that may vary by industry and customer segment
Review fixed costs, variables costs and operating leverage
Discuss economic and strategic trade-offs associated with building a technology team vs outsourcing
Discover best practices associated with customer acquisition and retention
Learn how to assess the merits of raising additional rounds of capital
Tap into alternative, non-equity sources of capital

Arie Abecassis Photo
Arie Abecassis
Venture Partner,
DreamIt Ventures; Co-Founder, AppStori
As a founder of AppStori, and a Venture Partner at DreamIt Ventures, Arie spends most of his waking day (and probably a portion of some sleepless nights) turning ideas into reality and plans into action.

Arie has worked closely with a number of amazing founders and companies, including SeatGeek, Adaptly, BiznessApps and MAZ Digital. In addition to spending time with the General Assembly community, every now and then, Arie contributes his thoughts on the state of technology and entrepreneurship in various tech blogs.
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