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With Kanishka Maheshwari (Founder, InterPrime).
Wed, Jan 30, 2019 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Venue, To Be Announced
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Kanishka Maheshwari, founder of fintech company InterPrime Technologies & former Director of PM at Salesforce, will be joining us in January to talk about how to build machine learning products that solve true user problems.


Intuit (Mountain View)


Artificial Intelligence(AI) & Machine Learning(ML) are all the rage right now - at Google's recent I/O 2017 event they really put ML front & center with plans to bake it into all their products, & lots of other large companies are aligning themselves as Machine Learning companies as a natural progression from Big Data.

But how do you incorporate ML & AI in your products? What signals would you use to identify if ML can solve the problem? How would you organize the team & what roles will they play? How will modelling work, where will the data sets come from? How will you solve the cold start problem post launch?

For a traditional PMs, building ML products can be intimidating, especially if you don't have the technical background. Fear not, ProductTank Silicon Valley got you covered.

Come join us with Kanishka for a deep dive in building machine learning products from start to finish. While at Salesforce, he built a ML based search platform which is arguably the largest enterprise search engine out there - with over 150 M queries/day & 100s of Billions of documents. During his talk, he will go cover, how he leveraged ML to improve the quality of search results, the trials & tribulations that came with it, & how he managed a team of data scientists & engineers building ML features as a PM.


6:00 to 7:00pm: Networking & snacks
7:00 to 8:00pm: Talk + Q&A
8:00 to 9:00pm: Wrap-up


Kanishka Maheshwari has over 12 years in building products from inception to launch. He spent 11 years at Salesforce, where he was first a Lead Engineer & then Director of Product Management for Search. He recently founded InterPrime Technologies, a Fintech company focussed on helping companies get the most out of their money & making them capital efficient. Kanishka holds a Bachelor's & Master's degree in Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University.
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