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With Lyndsey Moulds (MediaMath), Sophie Houser (Tampon Run), Neha Batra (Floored), Tammy Butow (DigitalOcean, Girl Geek Academy), Kaitlin Thaney (Mozilla Science Lab) & others.
Tue, Nov 04, 2014 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Fog Creek, 55 Broadway, 25th Fl

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Our first lightning talks will cover a range of topics.

6:30 Arrive/Network/Food
7:00 Welcome from Women Who Code
7:10 Welcome from Fog Creek
7:20 Lightning talks begin
9:30 Event ends

We have the following speakers and talks lined up:

Linda Peng, @lpnotes
Front-end developer,We Also Walk Dogs
"Running partners... for learning web development?"

Sojourner Hardeman
See Solve LLC
"How Do I Love Thee, Quicksilver? Let Me Count The Ways"

Olivia Gresham, @OGiDesigns
User Experience Developer, Olivia Gresham's Interactive Designs
"Elements of UX Development"

Erin Zobitz, @erinzobitz
JavaScript Engineer,Barnes & Noble College
"Why Functional?"

Lyndsey Jane Moulds, @lyyyndseyyy
Applications Developer, MediaMath
"How I Made My First Open-Source Contribution"

Sophie Houser, @tamponrunner
Co-Creator, Tampon Run
"Empowerment Through Coding"

Neha Batra,@nerdneha
Software Engineer at Floored, Inc
"You are not your imposter syndrome"

Tammy Butow,@tammybutow
DigitalOcean Customer Support Manager + Co-Founder of Girl Geek Academy
"Cloud Infrastructure"

Kaitlin Thaney, @kaythaney
Director, Mozilla Science Lab
"Dragging science out of the 19th century"

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