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With Tanmai Gopal (Founder/CEO, Hasura), Zach Goldberg (CTO, Equi), Jesse Martin (Dev Advocate, Hasura), Rahul Agarwal & David Meleney (Sr Product Mgrs, Hasura).
Thu, May 04, 2023 @ 08:00 AM   $79   The Clancy, 299 2nd St
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Join us for a full day of insights, interaction, & networking with local peers. With workshops, sessions, a live demo, & more, you'll walk away with a solid understanding of how Hasura is revolutionizing the way companies manage & access data.

The Agenda
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8 AM - 9 AM
Registration, Networking, & Breakfast
Check in, grab some breakfast, talk with your peers, & chat with our local Hasura experts. For workshop attendees only.
9 AM - 12 PM
Workshop: Getting Started with Hasura
In this three-hour workshop, you will set up a Powerful, Scalable Realtime GraphQL Backend complete with Queries, Mutations, & Subscriptions. You will also learn how Hasura helps you integrate custom business logic (in any programming language), both as custom GraphQL APIs that you write yourself, & as Event Triggers that run asynchronously & are triggered by database events.
12 PM - 1 PM
Registration, Lunch, & Networking
Enjoy lunch with your peers. If you are just coming for afternoon sessions, check in now & get in some networking before sessions begin.
1 PM - 1:45 PM
Data APIs: A Stable Delivery Interface for a Chaotic Data-First World
Enterprise data continues to explode. It's also siloed across many more tools than before. How does a modern, data-first organization enable their engineers to easily get the data they need to build data-rich apps & services? How can they enable this access in a way that doesn't create security or compliance risks? Data APIs are key to solving this problem, & in this keynote we'll cover strategies for designing your data APIs in a fast, flexible, & secure way to unlock the full potential of your data investments.
1:45 PM - 2:15 PM
Hear from a Hasura Customer
Get the inside scoop on how one of your peers is using Hasura to reform their application development process & the positive results they are experiencing.
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Activate Your Snowflake Data with GraphQL APIs
Snowflake is a leading platform for centralizing enterprise data. In this session, we'll cover how organizations can activate their data through data APIs, enabling their developers to get Snowflake data into more apps & services in a secure way. We'll also share challenges with current approaches to building custom data APIs on Snowflake, & how Hasura is addressing those challenges with the new GraphQL Data Connector for Snowflake.
Afternoon Break
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
Building Secure APIs: A Deep Dive of Authorization Best Practices
APIs allow organizations to share data more freely & foster a data-driven culture. With the API surface area growing, it is critical that data access & authorization is a core tenet when architecting your APIs. In this session, we'll cover the emerging methods & products for integrating a robust authorization layer into your APIs, without reducing developer velocity.
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hear from Hasura Customer, Equi
Get the inside scoop on how the CTO of Equi is using Hasura to reform their application development process & the positive results they are experiencing.
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Expert Panel & Live Q&A
Have all your questions answered in a live environment by our lineup of speakers.
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Closing Remarks
Find out if you are the raffle winner!
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Happy Hour
Stick around for some facetime with your peers.
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