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Learn how you can leverage AWS platform to build containerized & serverless applications.
Tue, Aug 22, 2017 @ 10:00 AM   Not Known   Amazon AWS, 1446 Market St
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Application architectures have fundamentally changed over the past decade & have evolved towards building a single application as a set of small stateless services. The shift to these architectures has also demanded new compute primitives that enable faster & immutable deployments of stateless applications: containers & serverless.

Containers allow you to easily package your application into easy to use building blocks that deliver environmental consistency & enable more streamlined developer workflows. Serverless architectures allow you to build & run applications without needing to provision, manage, & scale infrastructure.

Over this week, we will explore how you can leverage the AWS platform to build containerized & serverless applications. We will also demonstrate how you can build a range of applications from data processing systems to web applications. Hear from customers on how they are using Amazon ECS & AWS Lambda for their production needs.


Containers | Tuesday, August 22 | 10:00AM-7:30PM

10:00AM-11:00AM | Getting Started with Docker on AWS: AWS is an elastic, secure, flexible, & developer-centric ecosystem that serves as an ideal platform for Docker deployments. AWS offers the scalable infrastructure, APIs, & SDKs that integrate tightly into a development lifecycle & accentuate the benefits of the lightweight & portable containers that Docker offers to its users. This session will cover the benefits of containers, introduce Amazon EC2 Container Service, & demonstrates how to use Amazon ECS to run containerized applications at scale in production. Level 100

11:00AM-12:00PM | Building & Scaling Your First Containerized Microservices: Maintaining monolithic apps requires developers to be intimately familiar with every component of a systems architecture as a single wrong change can cause cascading failure of the entire app. Microservices architecture de-couples monolithic systems, increasing agility & removing points of failure. In this session, we will explore the reasoning & concepts behind microservices, discuss how containers simplify building microservices-based applications, & walk through a number of patterns used by our customers to run their microservices platforms. We will also introduce how to build microservices using AWS & discuss solutions to common challenges developers face running microservices, such as load balancing, service discovery, & secrets management. Level 200

12:00PM-1:00PM | Lunch

1:00PM-1:30PM | Building a CICD Pipeline for Deploying to Containers: Managing the code testing & deployment lifecycle for containerized applications is a complex task. In this session, we will explore how to build effective CICD workflows to manage containerized code deployments using Amazon EC2 Container Service, Amazon EC2 Container Registry, & AWS Code Suite tools. We will explore best practices for CICD architectures used by our customers to deploy containers onto AWS, including how to create an accessible CICD platform & how to execute Blue/Green & Canary deployments for containerized apps. Level 300

1:30PM-2:00PM | Introduction to Batch Processing on AWS: Batch computing is a common way to run a series of programs, called batch jobs, on a large pool of shared compute resources, such as servers, virtual machines, & containers. But running batch workloads at scale is a challenging task, configuring & scaling a cluster of virtual machines to process complex batch jobs is difficult & resource intensive. In this session, we'll discuss options & best practices for running batch jobs on AWS including AWS Batch, a fully managed batch-processing service, & building batch processing architectures with the Amazon EC2 Container Service. We'll also discuss best practices for ensuring efficient & opportunistic scheduling, fine-grained monitoring, compute resource auto-scaling, & security for batch jobs. Level 200

2:00PM-3:00PM | Advanced Container Management & Scheduling: Different containerized services have different needs. You may want to deploy containers to ensure availability, maximize resource utilization, or ensure data security. As you build & run production microservices based on containers, having powerful tools to manage the placement & scheduling of these workloads is critical. In this talk, we will focus on the capabilities of the Amazon EC2 Container Service task placement engine, options for task scheduling, & explore the use cases & construction of custom task schedulers. Level 300

3:00PM-3:30PM | Break

3:30PM-5:30PM | Workshop: Deploy a Deep Learning Framework on Amazon ECS: Deep learning is an implementation of machine learning that uses neural networks to solve difficult & complex problems, such as computer vision, natural language processing, & recommendations. Due to the availability of deep learning libraries & frameworks, developers have the ability to enhance the capabilities of their applications & projects. In this workshop, you learn how to build & deploy a powerful deep learning framework called MXNet on containers. The portability & resource management benefit of containers means developers can focus less on infrastructure & more on building. The labs start by demonstrating the automation capabilities of AWS CloudFormation to stand up core infrastructure; as an added bonus, you use Spot Fleet to leverage the cost benefits of using Spot Instances, especially for developer environments. Then, you walk through creating an MXNet container in Docker & deploying it with Amazon ECS. Finally, you walk through an image classification demo of MXNet to validate that everything is working as expected. Note: This workshop focuses on containerizing MXNet. The features of MXNet & capabilities of deep learning in general are vast, & there are recorded sessions from re:Invent that dive deeper on these topics. All you need to participate is a laptop & AWS account. Pizza will be provided. Level 300

6:00PM-7:30PM | Lightning Talk by Featured Customer: Hear from an AWS customer that's using Amazon EC2 Container Service in production. Get best practices & the inside story of the challenges they face & how they are solving them with AWS tools. Don't miss this opportunity for asking questions, networking, & light refreshments.
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