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With Nim Grinvald (Technical Evangelist, Kintone).
Thu, Jun 04, 2020 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Online
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Tune in & code along with Kintone Presents: Intro to Promises.


1) Please install a Chrome browser, & get familiar with the Dev tools
We will be running some JavaScript code in the Chrome console.
Please familiarize yourself with the console through the guide below

2) Please apply for a Kintone Developer License
Part 2 of the workshop will be done using Kintone.
Follow the steps in the link below to get your free license (please apply a few days beforehand!)


Part 1: The Basics
- What is asynchronous processing?
- Pros & cons of asynchronous processing
- Callback functions
- Promises

~Short break~

Part 2: Applying it to REST APIs
- Introduction to Kintone
- Kintone & JavaScript customization
- Using promises with REST API calls

Nim Grinvald is a technical evangelist at Kintone who has been coding in JavaScript for 3 years. Just as important, he has a killer hummus recipe & can make his own natto (Japanese fermented soybeans).

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