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With Anton Arhipov (Developer Advocate, JetBrains).
Mon, Jun 17, 2019 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Pivotal Labs, 875 Howard St
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As Kotlin programming language is getting more popular, the creators of the libraries are starting to provide Kotlin API for their frameworks. The number of libraries that provide a nice little DSL grows constantly. The session introduces you to some of those libraries & explains, how Kotlin makes creating the DSL so simple. Lambdas, extension methods, lambdas with the receiver, & other syntactic sugar make it easy to implement DSL in Kotlin. In a live coding demo, we will create a simple DSL for the existing Java classes that could be used from a Kotlin code.

Speaker: Anton Arhipov, JetBrains
Anton is a Developer Advocate at JetBrains. Working with TeamCity & IntelliJ IDEA. Programming in Java & Kotlin. Professional interests include programming languages & developer tooling. Java Champion since 2014. Co-organizer of, a local developers community in Tallinn, Estonia.

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