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Wanna get involved? Email Mark / Frank & mention area of expertise eg. biz dev, mktg, fundraising, contacts, mentoring, experience.
Tue, Oct 11, 2016 @ 07:00 PM   Not Known   Microsoft HQ, 11 Times Sq

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Expert curated dinner roundtables introducing int'l founders to NYC. Wanna get involved? Email Marc / Frank & mention area of expertise eg. biz dev, mktg, fundraising, contacts, mentoring, experience.

We will curate a mix of NYC supporters.
After the cocktail hour, we will have assigned tables for dinner.
Each table of 8 will have 1 featured founder and 5 supporters.
We will go around each table with introductions, and then the featured founder share an overview of their business at which point, anyone at the table can jump in with questions and supporting comments, advice, insights.
After the dinner, everyone will switch into the second assigned table and will do it all over again.

By engaging the community, we hope that every company will be able to point to a few material benefits that came about from the dinner.
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