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Intro dive into Ruby, a beginner-friendly language used on servers in backend web development.
Tue, Aug 09, 2016 @ 06:30 PM   $15   Dev Bootcamp, 48 Wall St, 15th Fl

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Join us for an introductory dive into Ruby, a beginner-friendly language used on servers in backend web development (i.e., the stuff that goes on between entering a URL and getting a web page back).

In this workshop, we will walk you through the basics of the Ruby language and how to use it to set up a basic web server.

Key Takeaways:

All the tools you need to get up, running and coding with Ruby

Ruby syntax for basic programming concepts like variables, loops, methods, strings, arrays and hashes

The basics of how the World Wide Web works under the hood

Setting up a simple web server and sending HTML pages to a browser

Using your server to interact with Twitter via its API

Prerequisites and Preparation:

Please bring your own laptop (Mac, PC or Chromebook).

Please download and install Sublime Text (Hint: the download button is on the home page).

Light snacks will be provided.

*This event is open to adult (18+) beginners and is an introduction to concepts covered more deeply in the immersive program.
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