NYC Tech Events Weekly
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Hanukkah Party
Hosted by Brex. |
| Venue, To Be Announced, New York
Dec 11 (Mon) , 2023 @ 06:30 PM
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You are formally invited to a 2023 Hanukkah Party hosted by BrexnPlease RSVP, space is limited. No +1's allowed at this time!nEvent Details:n Date: December 11th 2023n Time: 6:30pmn Venue: Revealed upon RSVP (New York)nThe Brex Teamn__nBrex is the financial stack that scales with startups from MVP to IPO - & beyond. The stack includes business accounts, bill pay, corporate credit cards, expense management software, & business travel.nA note to prospective guests:nAdmitted guests will be notified by way of event approval (with calendar invite). Invites are non-transferable. No +1s allowed as space is limited in size. Additional correspondence will be sent leading up to the evenEvents code of conductnYou will be considerate, respectful, & follow the event venues rules & policies, & applicable laws.nYou will not engage in harassment, discrimination, demeaning conduct, unwelcome sexual advances (physical or verbal), threatening or intimidating language or conduct, or inappropriate photography or recording.nConcerns? Reach out to your event host, or use integrity.brex.com, our anonymous reporting portal. Brex takes your concerns seriously, & people who raise good-faith concerns will not be retaliated against.nAttendees who violate this code of conduct will be asked to leave, & may be denied admittance to future events.nI understand that Brex (the