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Get started w/ fundamentals of client-side (front-end) JavaScript, opening up webpages to new & exciting functionality.
Fri, Nov 04, 2016 @ 03:00 PM   FREE   Online

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JavaScript is an essential skill for any web developer. Its commonly used to add interactivity to webpages, such as animation, parallax, slideshows, form validation, and much more. Traditionally its run in a web browser (client-side), but having grown in popularity you can now run it server-side (using Node.js for example). Well get you started with the fundamentals of client-side (front-end) JavaScript, opening up your webpages to new and exciting functionality!

Here are some of the topics youll learn about at this event:
What can you do with JavaScript?
o Examples
o Client-side versus Server-side JavaScript
o Overview of popular JavaScript libraries

Variables & Strings
o Defining & Using
o Performing Calculations
o Concatenating Strings

Working with the DOM (Document Object Model)
Using external JavaScript files

o What is jQuery & how does it fit in?
o How to use jQuery Plugins

GreenSock (GSAP)
o What is GreenSock & how does it fit in?
o When to use GreenSock versus jQuery or other JS libraries

This seminar is meant for people that have prior experience coding HTML and CSS.
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