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With Christine Souffrant Ntim (Founder, Vendedy & BrandEntrepreneurs) & Michael Lisovetsky (Co-Founder, Skylight).
Tue, Sep 27, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   $30   Galvanize NYC, 315 Hudson St

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The fireside chat interview reimagined. At Founders Freestyle, we empower you, the audience, to guide the conversation with our two featured speakers through live, crowdsourced content. The event features three rounds of storytelling, where each speaker will choose an audience member to share a random idea or thought. The speaker will then have to share a story from their personal or professional lives that involves that thought before the other speaker responds with their own story. Their collective experiences, in turn, will give you a unique perspective into how these accomplished founders paved their road to success.

We're proud to host these accomplished founders at our evening event:

Christine Souffrant Ntim, Founder of Vendedy &, Chapter Director Startup Grind Dubai
Michael Lisovetsky, Co-Founder of Skylight
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