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With Enis Soztutar (Hortonworks).
Mon, Jul 25, 2016 @ 05:30 PM   FREE   Civic Hall, 156 5th Ave, 2nd Fl

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Level: intermediate to advanced

5:30 PM - 6:15 PM: Food, drinks, mingling

6:00 PM - 6:15 PM: Artem Ervits Announcements, call for presenters, future events

6:15 PM - 7:15 PM: Maryann Xue, Software Engineer, Intel Inc. / Apache Phoenix PMC

Phoenix on Calcite

Apache Phoenix has rapidly become a workhorse in many organizations, providing a convenient standard SQL interface to HBase suitable for a wide variety of workloads from transactions to ETL and analytics. But Phoenixs initial query optimizer was based on static optimization procedures and thus could not choose between several potential plans or indices based on cost metrics. We describe how we rebuilt Phoenixs parser and query optimizer using the Calcite framework, improving Phoenixs performance and SQL compliance. The new architecture uses relational algebra as an intermediate language, and this enables you to switch in other engines, especially those also based on Calcite.

7:15 PM - 8:15 PM: Enis Soztutar, Member of Technical Staff at Hortonworks / Apache HBase PMC

Apache Phoenix and HBase: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBase

HBase as the NoSQL database of choice in the Hadoop ecosystem has already been proven itself in scale and in many mission critical workloads in hundreds of companies. Phoenix as the SQL layer on top of HBase, has been increasingly becoming the tool of choice as the perfect complementary for HBase. Phoenix is now being used more and more for super low latency querying and fast analytics across a large number of users in production deployments. In this talk, we will cover what makes Phoenix attractive among current and prospective HBase users, like SQL support, JDBC, data modeling, secondary indexing, UDFs, and also go over recent improvements like Query Server, ODBC drivers, ACID transactions, Spark integration, etc. We will conclude by looking into items in the pipeline and how Phoenix and HBase interacts with other engines like Hive and Spark.

Wrap Up Q&A


Maryann Xue is a software engineer in the Big Data Technologies team at Intel. She is a PMC member of the Apache Phoenix project and committer of the Apache Calcite project. Before shifting focus on open source projects, she worked on Intel's Distribution of Hadoop as a technical leader of the HBase team.

Enis Soztutar is a committer and PMC member of Apache HBase, Phoenix and Hadoop projects and a member of the Apache Software Foundation. He has been using and developing Hadoop ecosystem projects since 2007. He is currently working as a lead at Hortonworks, HBase engineering.

Hosted by: HBase NYC and Future of Data:NYC. You only need to register with one or the other but not both.

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