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With Veronica Ray (Software Enggr, LinkedIn) & Kathy Tafel (Dir. of Mobile Engg, Meetup).
Tue, Oct 25, 2016 @ 07:00 PM   FREE   Venue, To be Decided
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Women in iOS is part of the iOSoho meetup.

The goal of the meetup is to bring more women and other underrepresented groups into the larger iOS community.

This event is open to the general public.

Our Code of Conduct is in effect at all of our events.

If you have any questions, please message Ayuna, the organizer of the meetup.


Refactoring At Scale

What happens when we apply new ideas to a large code base? I will walk through how I shipped a large refactoring to the LinkedIn iOS app. We'll learn how to validate our ideas, search through code with Xcode and ag, use a lab notebook to track test failures and create a code review that people will want to ship. Then we'll see that these ideas can be applied to any change we make, not just large scale refactorings.

Veronica Ray, Software Engineer at LinkedIn

Veronica Ray is an iOS engineer at LinkedIn on the Video team. Once she rode her bike between two moose. This year she spoke at try! Swift in Tokyo.


A Timeless Way of Building

Kathy Tafel, Director of Mobile Engineering at Meetup

Kathy Tafel is Director of Mobile Engineering at Meetup where she leads the iOS and Android engineering teams. Shell be talking about launching the new Meetup app, including things she contributed to specifically, such as continuous integration and deployment using Xcode server bots. Learn a few shell scripts that can make your life easier. Hear about their awesome decision to go all in on swift. Chat about what its like to join a team already underway on a huge project. Hear about how Meetup is iterating fast in response to member feedback.

Prior to Meetup, Tafel launched the Plenti iOS app and built out its team for American Express; is co-founder of Corpus Collusion, makers of The Recipe Box, a top iPad Food & Drink app; and spent more than eight years at Apple in Cupertino, in developer relations and on the marketing communications team. She helped get OpenGL in the system, and worked on the Mac vs. PC campaign, amongst other things.
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