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Powered by AT&T, Girls Who Code & AppNexus.
Sun, Aug 17, 2014 @ 09:00 AM   FREE   AppNexus, 19 W 22nd St, 4th Fl

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<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua',palatino; font-size: medium;">Do you like to design and make things? Are you inspired by the power of technology to affect positive change and do good?</SPAN></STRONG></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">If so, we want to see you in action. AT&T, Girls Who Code, & AppNexus are opening our doors for you to innovate. We're looking for creative developers, designers and entrepreneurs like you to join us at this special women in tech focused 2014 AT&T #WIThack, a series of Women in Tech hackathons all across the country.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">At AT&T and AppNexus, we have adopted a progressive approach to innovation - one that embraces openness and encourages collaboration between entrepreneurs and professionals of all genders and backgrounds. We believe that women provide a critical spark to the tech industry and through empowering opportunities like this, female technologists will be the catalyst we need to accelerate innovation and economic growth.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">This hackathon will provide attendees with opportunities to network, design and build innovative websites for non-profit charity organizations. </SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">We've heard from many tech women that at hackathon events they frequently are relegated to project manager or note taker roles within the team. So we're proud to offer special prizes to women-led teams at our event with extra accelerator prizes awarded to all-female teams.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">AT&T and AppNexus careers experts will be on hand throughout the day to talk about awesome technology job openings in different areas of our their businesses.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-size: medium; font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>We Supply:</STRONG></SPAN>Onsite, we will provide devices from <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow">SensorCon</A>, <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow">Wahoo</A>, and Neurosky that you can string together for a more integrated view into your world. You can also build <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow">wearables from scratch</A> with <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow"> Arduino boards</A>, <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow"> Arduino Lilypad boards</A>, or <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" REL="nofollow nofollow"> ARM/Freescale mbed boards</A>,then push your data into AT&T's M2X time-series data storage service for the Internet of Things. Invite your robot crazy friends, maker friends and DIY enthusiasts out to a weekend of making your world. </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-size: medium; font-family: book antiqua,palatino;">Technical senseis will also be on site to assist you in building faster, smarter, and with new tools.</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-size: medium; font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff9900;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>You Bring:</STRONG></SPAN></SPAN>Your laptop, skills & ideas. Come with a collaborative, team focused mindset and/or team up in advance on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ via the<STRONG>#atthack</STRONG>hashtag. Whether you are a backend person and code in Ruby/PHP/.NET or are a designer and only work with Illustrator, you are invited to attend this event. Every group needs a good balance of talent and your development skills are needed!</SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><EM><STRONG>Hackathon Event Schedule.</STRONG></EM></SPAN> The following is a list of the day's agenda:</SPAN></P>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><EM><STRONG>August 17th</STRONG></EM></SPAN></SPAN><BR><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM></EM></STRONG></LI>
<LI><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM>09:00AM -</EM></STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Kickoff event with coffee, networking, and developer dating which leads into idea pitches and team formation.</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM>10:00AM -</EM></STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Lightning talks</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM><STRONG>11:00AM - </STRONG>Brunch & Team Formation</EM></SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM><STRONG>05:00PM</STRONG> - Dinner is served</EM></SPAN></LI>
<LI><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM>6:00PM - </EM></STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Pencils down. Please sign up your teams to present via this link:</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><A STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;" HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"></SPAN></A></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Pitches start promptly at 6PM and are limited to three (3) minutes per team. No powerpoints unless you are only presenting an idea.</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<DIV><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua',palatino; font-size: medium;"><BR></SPAN></DIV>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><STRONG><EM>Prizes.</EM></STRONG></SPAN>The following prizes are experiential and geared towards accelerating you towards a successful business as well as expanding your network and industry knowledge:</SPAN></P>
<UL STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">
<LI CLASS="li4" STYLE="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><STRONG>Best Social Good Website Overall</STRONG><BR></SPAN></LI>
<UL STYLE="font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;">1st Place - $400 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;">2nd Place - $100 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;">3rd Place - Wahoo Heart Rate monitors for each team member</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"><STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Best Social Good Website from an all Girls Who Code Team</SPAN></STRONG></LI>
<UL STYLE="line-height: 20px;">
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">1<SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20px;">st Place - $300 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20px;">2nd<SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20px;">Place - $100 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Best<STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20px;">Use of AT&T APIs</STRONG></STRONG></LI>
<UL STYLE="line-height: 20px;">
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">1st Place - $200 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">2nd</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Place - $100 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></LI>
<LI CLASS="li4" STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><STRONG>Best Designed Website Overall<BR></STRONG></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<UL STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">1st Place - $200 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px; text-align: left;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">2nd<SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20px;">Place - $100 in Gift Cards for the team to split</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></LI>
<DIV><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua',palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px;"><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20px;"><BR></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></DIV>
<P><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><STRONG><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600;"><EM>Judging Criteria.</EM></SPAN> </STRONG>Websites will be judged based on the criteria below and weighted accordingly. </SPAN></P>
<UL CLASS="ul1">
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">33% Weight - Ability to clearly articulate what your website does</SPAN></LI>
<UL CLASS="ul1">
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">33% Weight - Originality of idea</SPAN></LI>
<UL CLASS="ul1">
<LI CLASS="li4"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">33% Weight - Difficulty of the implementation<BR></SPAN></LI>
<P><STRONG STYLE="color: #ff6600; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><EM>Hackathon Legal.</EM></STRONG></P>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="color: #000000; font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: medium;">Hackathon Terms:<A STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; line-height: 20.796875px;" HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow"></A></SPAN></LI>
<DIV STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;"><SPAN STYLE="color: #ff6600; font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: medium;"><STRONG><EM>Social Media.</EM></STRONG></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV STYLE="font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 20px;">
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;">Follow us @attdeveloper for live updates and photos from the event</SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: medium;">"Like" us on Facebook!</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #3366ff;"><A HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow"><SPAN STYLE="color: #3366ff;"></SPAN></A></SPAN></LI>
<LI><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #3366ff;"><A HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow">Find out about more events at AppNexus at</A><SPAN STYLE="color: #3366ff;"><BR></SPAN></SPAN></LI>
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<P CLASS="p14" STYLE="text-align: center;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: xx-large; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Speakers</STRONG></SPAN></P>
<TABLE STYLE="width: 566px; height: 553px;" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="5" ALIGN="center">
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><IMG STYLE="border-width: 4px; border-color: gray; border-style: solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="260"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><IMG STYLE="border-width: 4px; border-color: gray; border-style: solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" SRC="" ALT="Shelly Goldman" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="260"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: small;"><SPAN CLASS="s1"><SPAN STYLE="font-size: medium;"><A STYLE="text-decoration: underline;" HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow">Alex</A></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-size: medium;"><A STYLE="text-decoration: underline;" HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow">Donn,</A></SPAN></SPAN></STRONG><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua',palatino; font-size: medium;">Senior Marketing Manager at AT&T, is based out of sunny Seattle! His passion is educating developers young and old about mobile application development best practices through events like hackathons that fuse the collective interests of multiple technology and business leaders. He loves bacon and is allergic to all types of gluten.</SPAN></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Shelly Goldman,</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"> an AT&T veteran, is responsible for providing the Voice of the Customer to AT&T Labs and most recently led the AT&T Emerging Technologies Forum. With almost 100 technology patents to her credit, she ranks second among female patent holders at the tech giant. As a coach specializing in STEM, she makes it a priority to work with women and girls to encourage and educate them about opportunities in the STEM field. Shelley blogs for the Huffington Post, has put out a YouTube video and continually mentors students through Girls Who Code and Aspire in her attempt to reach other women and encourage them in STEM.</SPAN></SPAN></TD>
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<P CLASS="p14" STYLE="text-align: center;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: xx-large; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Senseis</STRONG></SPAN></P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><IMG STYLE="border-width: 4px; border-color: gray; border-style: solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" SRC="" ALT="Amanda Gobaud" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="260"></P>
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<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><IMG STYLE="border-width: 4px; border-color: gray; border-style: solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" SRC="" ALT="Ope Bukola" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="260"></P>
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Amanda Gobaud,</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"> Designer and Business Analyst at Deutsche Bank, has always been working on things to improve people's lives - from volunteering with Key Club in high school to working on improving financial software interfaces today, she has always liked helping people and being involved. Between her involvement in campus activities and studying Human-Computer Interaction, Amanda has found her passion in creating experiences for people, be it through planning vacations for her friends, planning Startup Weekend events, or improving the user experience of financial software. </SPAN></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Ope Bukola</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"> is a Product Manager at a Brooklyn based education technology company. She is passionate about building technology that improves teaching and learning. She is a selftaught web developer and, along with building learning tools, loves introducing newbies to computer programming. Prior to her current role, she was founder of CourseSky, an early stage edtech company that provided a free, web based Algebra 1 course. She is also an avid writer, and the founder and coeditor of <A HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow">Zora</A>, an online magazine for women in the African diaspora. She is a graduate of New York University where she earned a joint degree in Economics & Mathematics.</SPAN></TD>
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<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><IMG STYLE="border-width: 4px; border-color: gray; border-style: solid; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" SRC="" ALT="Kachi" WIDTH="260" HEIGHT="260"></P>
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<TD VALIGN="top" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Kachi Nwaobasi</STRONG></SPAN><SPAN STYLE="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: medium;"> graduated with a B.S. in Interactive Media & Game Development and an M.S. in Computer Science from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He currently works for Amplify Education as a software engineer and makes mobile applications in his spare time. When he's not coding and being awesome, he enjoys long walks on the beach, frolicking in the grass and helping other minorities become amazing programmers.</SPAN></TD>
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<P CLASS="p14" STYLE="text-align: center;"><SPAN STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; font-size: xx-large; color: #ff6600;"><STRONG>Sponsors</STRONG></SPAN></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><A HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow"><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; text-align: center; font-size: xx-large;"><IMG STYLE="border: 4px solid gray;" SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="357" HEIGHT="170"></STRONG></A></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><A HREF="" REL="nofollow nofollow"><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; text-align: center; font-size: xx-large;"><IMG STYLE="border: 4px solid gray;" SRC="" ALT="Appnexus" WIDTH="480" HEIGHT="125"></STRONG></A></P>
<P STYLE="text-align: center;"><STRONG STYLE="font-family: 'book antiqua', palatino; text-align: center; font-size: xx-large;"><BR></STRONG></P>
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