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With Brian Stelter (Host of Reliable Sources on CNN), Joanna Geary (Head of Curation, Twitter), Raju Naresitti (CEO, Gizmodo Media Group), Aron Pilhofer (Prof. Innovation, Temple University).
Thu, Oct 26, 2017 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Time Warner, 1 Time Warner Center

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<P><STRONG>Technology, Media & Democracy: Moving from problems to solutions. Hosted by CNN.</STRONG></P>
<P>This is the first in a series of panels throughout the fall that will address the most intractable issues at the intersection of journalism & technology. In the session, we'll identify the issues & being to set an agenda for. Trust, business models, platforms. Lots of things are broken. How do we prioritize what to fix first? Who should be able to help? How can technology help?</P>
<P><STRONG>With Panelists:</STRONG></P>
<P><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN><STRONG>Brian Stelter</STRONG>, Host of Reliable Sources & Senior Media Correspondent, CNN</SPAN><BR><SPAN><STRONG>Joanna Geary</STRONG>, Head of Curation, Twitter</SPAN><BR><SPAN><STRONG>Raju Naresitti</STRONG>, CEO, Gizmodo Media Group</SPAN><BR><SPAN><STRONG>Aron Pilhofer</STRONG>, James B. Steele Chair in Journalism Innovation, Temple University</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN><SPAN><SPAN><STRONG>This event is the first in a series of discussions with the newly formed Tech, Media & Democracy initiative by Six NYC academic institutions including:</STRONG> Cornell Tech, Columbia University, City University of New York, New York University, The New School, & Pratt Institute.</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN><STRONG>Attendee information:</STRONG> Attendees will need a photo ID to enter. Please enter on 58th Street & NOT through the mall entrance.</SPAN></P>
<P><STRONG>6:00-6:30:</STRONG> Networking reception<BR><STRONG>6:30 to 7:30: Discussion</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>7:30 to 8:00:</STRONG> Closing reception</P>
<P><STRONG>About Tech, Media & Democracy</STRONG><BR></P>
<P>Six of New York Citys universities are partnering to defend & support journalism & independent news media --- one of the most critical elements of our democracy --- as they are increasingly under threat. This unique, first-of-its kind program & collaboration will bring together <SPAN>Cornell Tech, Columbia University, City University of New York, New York University, The New School, & Pratt Institute</SPAN>-- in partnership with the NYC Media Lab -- to investigate & understand the various threats to journalism & media, & attempt to address these challenges using design, engineering, & computational methods & techniques. The effort will gather graduate students with backgrounds & expertise in journalism, design, & engineering/technology from these institutions in a special course to kick off in Spring 2018.In addition to the course, a speaker series hosted at news organizations around the city will launch in October around the themes of the partnership, featuring influential figures from media & technology. Inaugural media participants that will host fall programming include The New York Times, CNN, BuzzFeed, & the HuffPost.</P>
<P><EM>Learn More:</EM></P>
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