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Fri, Mar 03, 2023 @ 08:00 AM   FREE   NYU Stern, 40 W 4th St, Paulson Auditorium

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The cities of the Americas - centres of employment, commerce & culture - have faced a series of unprecedented shocks over the last few years.

In the wake of the pandemic & the midsts of a global economic downturn, how can new & emerging technology, business & investment practices be harnessed to help the built environment transform? How can we meet the growing demand for more liveable, affordable, accessible & sustainable built assets & cities?

The pandemic cleared offices & city centres, constrained the global labour force, & constricted materials supply chains. As a result, rapidly changing work & lifestyle norms, alongside rising operating costs, have brought once tried & tested business & industry models into question. As climate change & sustainability rise to the top of the global agenda, the public & private sectors recognise the need to change, & to do so at pace.

For the built environment, new materials, methods & models of business hold great promise. Solutions exist, yet developing & deploying these at scale will require substantial investment. Cities like New York - a once formidable growth engine, global centre of innovation & commercial & cultural influence - must adapt. Smaller urban centres - those tier 2 & 3 cities that weathered the pandemic with fewer resources to begin with - must be empowered, attract new investment, & take advantage of the opportunities that changing norms present.

Our summit will explore:

The affect of post-pandemic hybrid demand on commercial real estate

Strategies to achieve more affordable, accesible & green residential real estate

Managing risk in the transition to a net zero, climate-resilient built environment

Key trends in the adoption of technology & digitalisation

The essential role of the ethical professional in urban transformation

Over one day, participants will build a picture of how changing work & lifestyle norms amid a global economic downturn are impacting industry practice & notions of business-as-usual. To conclude, we will outline the ways that stakeholders from across construction, real estate & investment can provide trusted solutions to support positive urban transformation.

By joining this in-person event, you will be able to network with peers from across the region, be up to date with the latest industry thinking, trends & forecasts & find out about state-of-the-art solutions to industry-wide challenges.
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