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Tue, Sep 19, 2023 @ 07:00 PM   FREE   Lucky Jack's, 129 Orchard St

Sign up for our awesome New York
Tech Events weekly email newsletter.
7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Welcome: Grab a drink & settle in (30m)

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Informal Networking & Idea Exchange (1hr)

8:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Wrap-up & Plan Next Meetup (Last 30 mins)

We are thrilled to announce our inaugural gathering at a cozy & charming pub in the heart of Lower Manhattan! Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit, mingle with like-minded individuals, & exchange insightful knowledge with our friendly community of creators, developers, & innovators.

This is a perfect opportunity for those who are passionate about creating online businesses, solo projects, SaaS products, & everything in between. Whether you're an experienced Indie Hacker, just starting your journey, or curious about the indie tech world, you're welcome to join us!

What to Expect:

A casual & relaxed atmosphere in a characteristic LES pub.
Opportunity to connect with a diverse group of indie hackers from various fields.
Knowledge sharing, from personal experiences & success stories to lessons learned from failures.
Potential collaborations, partnerships, or just bouncing off your latest ideas.
Bring your LinkedIn QR, project demos, or just your curious self.
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