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With Mark Drago (Dir. of Engg, Yodle).
Tue, Jun 28, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Yodle, 330 W 34th St, 18th Fl

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Join us Tuesday, June 28 for our upcoming meetup!

We are looking for another speaker, if you are interested in speaking at this meetup, email us at

Doors open at 6pm; presentations starting at 6:30pm.

Food and drink will be provided.

Thanks to Yodlefor presenting and providing the space for this Meetup!

Powering a BI application with Elasticsearch at Yodle

This talk will cover Yodles transition from Hadoop/Scalding to Elasticsearch to power a tailored BI product for franchises. Well cover the impact this transition has had on the product, our customers, and engineer efficiency. Well also cover the system architecture, the design choices we made, and some of the lessons we learned along the way.

Mark Drago joined Yodle in 2010 and is now a Director of Engineering. He has been leading the part of the engineering team dedicated to the franchise market for the past 4 years. This has given him the opportunity to witness and participate in the technical adjustments and pivots that both learnings and growth demand, which is what this talk is all about.

Yodle helps more than 50,000 local business owners in 250 different industries find and keep customers simply and profitably. We also work with larger franchises and multi-location businesses to create scalable marketing strategies that meet each location's unique needs.

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