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Sat, Oct 29, 2016 @ 11:00 AM   $180   qLabs, 16 W 22nd St, 6th Fl

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This is a two-day intensive workshop 11am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday.

WordPress powers hundreds of thousands of websites. It is incredibly powerful and flexible for building websites big and small. Whether you need a blog, ecommerce, or membership site, WordPress will allow you to do that without any coding required. Because of the open source nature of WordPress, youll be able to find themes and plugins to fit any project.

In this two-day intensive bootcamp, learn the basics. What can WordPress do? What cant it do? Is it right for your project? Well build a simple WordPress site; learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and PHP; and learn how to customize your WordPress site with plugins and themes.

In this class:

-What you need to set up a WordPress site
-HTML, CSS basics
-Basics of PHP for WordPress theming
-How to choose themes and plugins to customize your site
-A copy of Nates book Build Your own Website
-What to bring:

This class is meant to be an introduction and overview of WordPress. You can bring a computer to take notes but you are not expected to follow along or have any materials before class.
Whats next:

Interested in a more intensive WordPress class? Get in touch with Nate at
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