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With Colin Ahern (Chief Cyber Officer, State of NY), Jennifer Gold (President, NY Metro InfraGard), Rich Richard (Chief of Cybersecurity, CISA).
Wed, Oct 18, 2023 @ 05:30 PM   $112   Company, 335 Madison Ave

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Cybersecurity has evolved from the server room to the boardroom. It is now a top concern for CEOs around the world, & for good reason. Attackers are motivated, whether by money or politics, & have access to unprecedented computing power & increasingly sophisticated tools & techniques. They are quicker, smarter, & don't play by the rules.

As leaders in this space, we need to adapt to win. We need to pivot from a Peacetime to Wartime mindset. We need to stop asking, "Are we secure?" & start asking, "Are we ready?"

This panel discussion between seasoned wartime experts from the military, intelligence, law enforcement, public, & private sectors will cover:

How recent changes in the regulatory environment impact your strategy & execution
How to prepare for the inevitable breach
How to work your board & peers to manage priorities so that you can get critical projects done
How to respond in the aftermath
Panelists will share their real-world experiences in the field, offering advice on how to be prepared & the costs & consequences of not sufficiently prioritizing this preparation. Attendees will leave with a firm understanding of the importance of having company defenses in place, training like you fight, & collaborating with law enforcement to achieve better cyber-attack outcomes & greater homeland security.

Jennifer Gold - President & Board Chair, New York Metro InfraGard
Rich Richard - Chief of Cybersecurity, CISA
Colin Ahern - Chief Cyber Officer, State of New York
& more to come!
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SIM NY Metro is a 501(c)(6) non-profit membership organization for senior technology leaders. Our events are among the many benefits that we offer to our members; & event ticket sales help us fund our operations & our outreach initiatives to elevate the next generation of technology leaders.

Our events are open to qualified attendees, only, which include:

SIM members, including those who belong to other chapters
Non-members who are senior technology executives who would otherwise qualify for SIM membership (usually the top technology leader in an organization or a direct report to that position)
Official SIM NY Metro sponsors
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SIM NY Metro is committed to creating a safe & healthy environment for our community.

Please be mindful that some members of our community, their family, or their friends may have health conditions that put them at increased risk of severe disease from COVID-19, flu, common colds, & other contagious illnesses.

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You are recovering from a contagious illness & may still be contagious.
Don't worry: there will be more opportunities to meet in person & you can contact us to request a refund.

Photography Policy
We like to capture the story of our events in pictures & videos, both to share within our community as well as to help promote SIM NY Metro to other qualified members.

By purchasing a ticket, you grant SIM NY Metro permission to use your likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (photo) in any & all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration.

All photos will become the property of SIM NY Metro; & SIM NY Metro may edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose without your additional approval.

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