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With Adarsh Shah (ThoughtWorks).
Tue, Aug 01, 2017 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   ThoughtWorks, 99 Madison Ave, 15th Fl

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Join us for our regular tech talk series. Mingle, learn, & hang out with ThoughtWorkers from our NYC office.


6:30 PM -- Doors open for refreshments & networking

7:00 - 7:45 PM -- TW Consultant Adarsh Shah talks about enabling DevOps culture with a Platform engineering team:Challenges & Lessons Learned

7:45 - 8:00 PM -- Speaker Q&A

ASL interpretation available upon request. Please contact us the meet-up organizer by July 3.

Light refreshments & snacks will be served.


DevOps is about creating a culture of shared responsibility in delivery teams. It is recommended to embed operations skills into delivery teams to reduce friction & enable them to deliver products to customers faster but whenever there is a need for significant investment in tooling & automation & teams lack the skills to self-manage a full application & operations stack, having a separate Platform engineering team can help.

In this presentation Adarsh Shah will talk about when & why Platform engineering team can be helpful. The teams chief responsibility is to operate a platform which enables delivery teams to self-service deploy & operate systems with reduced lead time & complexity. The emphasis here is on self-service infrastructure & supporting tools, with delivery teams still responsible for supporting what they deploy onto the platform. He will also talk about challenges & lessons learned leading & being part of such teams. He will explain The Three Ways: The Principles Underpinning DevOps as mentioned in DevOps Handbook & The Phoenix Project & how it can be used to resolve some of these challenges faced by the team.


Adarsh Shah is a Lead Consultant for ThoughtWorks having lead various teams including application development & platform engineering teams. He has a keen interest in building systems that add business value, & is passionate about helping clients achieve continuous delivery by improving their DevOps practices. He is excited about working with distributed systems architecture & cloud technologies these days. He cannot get enough of cricket or whisky.

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