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With Hilary Mason (Founder/CEO, Hidden Door), Sarah Allal (CoFounder/CEO, Floode HQ), Erica Berenstein (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider), Liz O'Sullivan (AI Advocate, Vera).
Thu, Apr 04, 2024 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Betaworks, 29 Little W 12th St

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Tech Events weekly email newsletter.
How AI can help us daydream - Hilary Mason (Hidden Door)

Mightier than the pen: how journalists are using AI - Erica Berenstein (Business Insider)

Designing for Non-Human Users - Tynan Daly

AI at the Great Firewall - Joyce Lee, Artist

Liz O'Sullivan, Vera

Sarah Allal, Floode HQ

Imagining Autodidactic AI - James Barnes

Enlighten us, but make it quick: 5 minutes, 20 slides, 15 seconds each
IgniteAI is a new speaker series highlighting brilliant minds in technology. It goes beyond typical pitch sessions & delves into the how & why behind innovation. Prepare for rapid-fire sharing of opinions & ideas. Ignite Talks, a global speaker series, inspired this format. Each talk lasts exactly five minutes, with twenty auto-advancing slides every fifteen seconds.

Check out some past Ignite talks here.
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