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Wed, Apr 27, 2016 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Microsoft, 11 Times Square
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Angular 2 is a complete rewrite of Angular 1. It embraces a component-based approach to building client-side web and native applications. This talk will give a high-level overview of the main architectural components of Angular 2 including components, directives, services, DI, routing, and a new data-binding syntax. These concepts will be introduced in the context of a sample application that was built from the ground-up with Angular 2.

About the Speaker

Howard Pinsley has been developing software professionally for over 30 years as both an in-house developer and as a consultant on technology ranging from VAX/VMS in the 80's to today's modern client-side JavaScript frameworks. He currently works as a consultant at Lab49 developing mission-critical applications, primarily on the Microsoft stack, for clients in the financial services sector.

This meeting will be held at the Microsoft offices as usual. Check the Meetup site for details!

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