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Thu, Feb 29, 2024 @ 06:30 PM   $5   Venue, To Be Announced

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Happy hour for AI founders & builders in NYC. Join us for a few drinks & meet other AI founders, researchers, & operators building in the tri-state area.nNote: Drinks not included & entrance fee will go towards supporting our volunteersn---nABOUT THE ORGANIZATIONnThe AI Furnace is NYC's largest & most active AI community. It was started by AI founders, Angela Mascarenas & Hamza Zaveri, who were based in NYC & London & started the org to support fellow AI founders & operators building in local cities outside of Cerebral Valley (San Francisco). It has since grown to a global community of 10,000 AI founders, operators & researchers & has since opened up in London & Boston.nINTERESTED IN GETTING INVOLVED?nApply, by filling out our form.
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