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Instructor is Vincent Bourzeix (VP Digital Mktg, Try The World).
Tue, Feb 16, 2016 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Tekserve Studio, 119 W 23rd St

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<P><STRONG>Instructor:<A HREF="" REL="nofollow">Vincent Bourzeix</A></STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>Location: Tekserve (23rd Street and 6th Ave)</STRONG></P>
<P><STRONG>Price: Free admission, beer and snacks.</STRONG></P>
<P>Each day, more than 900 million people use Facebook and more than 50% of all users log in and spend at least 15 minutes on Facebook every day. 68% of users say that a recommendation from a Facebook friend would make them buy a particular product. Facebook is a powerful tool for generating and converting leads and companies are missing out without it.</P>
<P>At this workshop, Vincent Bourzeix, VP of Digital Marketing and Technology at Try The World, will lead the discussion on Facebook advertising and talk about strategies for creating unique and engaging ads, maximizing ROI, and driving traffic from Facebook to blogs and websites.In addition, you'll learn how to integrate Facebook with your other marketing strategies like e-mail marketing, SEO, and blogs.</P>
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