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MicroSaaS Meetup
| Brooklyn Public Library, 286 Cadman Plaza W, Brooklyn
Feb 27 (Tue) @ 06:00 PM
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Agenda: Small group meet and greet where members can introduce themselves and share details about their MicroSaaS journey
Date and Time: Tuesday, February 27, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: Brooklyn Heights Public Library, Cranberry Meeting Room (286 Cadman Plaza West, Brooklyn, NY 11201)
Attendee Limit: 8
Additional Details: An Expanded Agenda, My Story and My Vision for the Group, and an explanation of the Attendee Limit can be found below
Expanded Agenda
The first MicroSaaS NYC Meetup event will be a meet and greet where all group members will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and share details about their MicroSaaS journey, including:
How they got started with MicroSaaS
Where they currently are in the process
Where they'd like to take their business next
What they'd like to be held accountable for
How they may be able to help the group
How the group may be able to help them
Additionally, we will discuss how this group can best be organized and what resources it can provide to help members along their MicroSaaS journey.
My Story and My Vision for the Group
Hi, I'm Justin Spradlin, the organizer of the MicroSaaS NYC Meetup group. After spending the first 15 years of my career working for large corporations and venture-backed startups, I decided to strike it out on my own as an independent Software Engineer. Over the past five years as an independent, I've had the great fortune to serve 10+ amazing clients in diverse industries, including Education, Finance, Criminal Justice Reform, Commercial Real Estate, and Civic Engagement.
Late last year, I wrapped up the two most significant and meaningful projects of my career and, after much deliberation, intentionally reduced my 2024 client commitments to focus my remaining time on creating a MicroSaaS business.
Where am I in the process? Candidly, I'm stuck dealing with the fear of getting started and the isolating feelings of working alone. I'll explain the specifics in greater detail when we meet, but that's why I started this group.
My vision for the MicroSaaS NYC Meetup group is to create a community that helps its members of independent software developers, designers, marketers, and entrepreneurs move from a state of aspiration to a state of execution. This group will aim to serve as a peer-to-peer support and accountability group where members come together to collaborate, encourage, and provide feedback to one another.
Attendee Limit
As an independent Software Engineer, I don't have access to a large group meeting space, so the plan for this first gathering will be to meet at the recently renovated Brooklyn Heights Public Library.
If the attendance demand for this Meetup increases, I will work with the community to find a larger meeting space for future meetings.