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With Timothy Moore (Designlab).
Wed, Nov 30 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Design Lab, MakerSpace, 6 MetroTech Center

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*This event is open to current NYU students, staff, or faculty only.

*No prior design experience is required.

If you're walking the halls of NYU, you've probably had an idea at some point for a product, business, performance, maybe a book or an article, a policy, or something else ambitious. Pause for a moment & think: what happened to that idea? Did you pursue it? Or is it still only in your head? This highly participatory workshop is all about getting those ideas out of your head & making them tangible.

In this workshop, Timothy Moore, Curriculum Strategist at Designlab will expose you to the mindsets & methods you'll need for creating early versions of concepts that you can test for desirability. Prototyping is just that - making a tangible & testable representation of your idea. It's something you, your peers, potential customers, & other stakeholders can engage with & learn from. However simple this sounds, it does take practice & technique, which you'll have the opportunity to learn during this event!

Timothy approaches all learning experiences with the goal of activating participants the moment they walk through the door. In this workshop, you can plan on engaging in several activities that will help you embrace experimentation & craft with intentionality. Attendees will gain insights into when & how to prototype. They will also learn where rapid prototyping happens in the Design Thinking process. The activities will have participants practicing widely applicable techniques to make things in both the physical & digital space.

Agenda (subject to change)

Warm-up: Throw Away Preciousness
Intro to Prototyping: What, Why, & When?
Before We Prototype: Goals, Types, & Motivations
Exercise 1: Assess These Prototypes
Prototyping Physical Products/Services
Exercise 2: Model Making vs Storyboarding
Prototyping Digital Products/Experiences
Exercise 3: Paper Prototypes vs Digital Wireframes
Debrief & Questions
The Design & Innovation Studio is a series of interactive workshops that guide participants through each stage of the Design Thinking process. The workshops are led by invited guests who are experts in their field. Participants have a chance to gain experience through collaborative exercises, learn about our guests professional journeys, & ask questions.

More about Timothy Moore

Tim is a multi-disciplinary designer whose work has spanned many industries, including higher education, corporate learning & development, non-profit start-ups, wearable tech, environmental remediation, & furniture design. He identifies most closely with the role of learning experience designer because of his work at Stanford University's, The Hive at the Claremont Colleges, JMU X-Labs, & The Design Gym. He formally studied industrial design, allowing him to design products & systems that fall far outside the realm of teaching & learning. In his current role at Designlab, he produces courses that help people of all ages learn how to become UX & UI designers.

*This workshop is open to all current NYU student, staff, & faculty & will take place in-person at the NYU MakerSpace located in the Tandon School of Engineering on the downtown Brooklyn campus.*
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