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With John Ryan (Dev Relations Enggr, Flutter & Dart), Kate Lovett (S/w Enggr, Flutter Framework), Tim Sneath (UX Dir., Flutter & Dart), Leigha Jarett & Ander Dobo (Product Mgr, Flutter), Michael Thomsen (Product Mgr, Dart).
Wed, Jan 25, 2023 @ 08:00 AM   FREE   Online

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Preview some of our investments in the technologies of the future at Flutter Forward, streaming live from Nairobi, Kenya on January 25, 2023! The event will feature a keynote, tech talks, & live Q&A session that show how Flutter is pushing UI development forward.

Flutter delivers a powerful, open source UI toolkit for building stunning experiences across mobile, desktop, embedded, & web devices. Join us to see where we're planning to take Flutter over the coming years.

What time will the event take place?
Flutter Forward will begin streaming live the evening of January 25, 2023 in East Africa Time. Join us starting at 5:30 PM EAT (2:30PM UTC) for the preshow with a live Q&A.

Do I need to register for the event?
Registration is not required, but we'll be sharing updates & information with those who register.

Can I attend the event in-person?
While we wish we could invite anyone willing to travel to come, we'll be limiting in-person attendance in order to be cognizant of COVID concerns & federally mandated social distancing policies active in Kenya.
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