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Speakers include Adam Enbar (Flatiron School) & Stephanie Dua (Homer).
Wed, Jul 30, 2014 @ 07:00 PM   $5   Huge HQ, 45 Main St
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Education! Let's all take our Smarties, meet up to talk about what's going on in Education and hear from two people who are leading major changes in the industry.

We're going to be having two incredibly amazing speakers followed by $3 beers and a reserved hang out area at Superfine, just down the street from Huge, where we'll continue mingling.


Adam Enbar from The Flatiron School

Learn to build awesome things with code.We're a school for passionate people who want to love what they do.

Stephanie Dua from Homer

Homer's mission is to be the world's leading provider of quality early learning experiences for children. We create innovative products that parents trust, children love, and communities unite around.

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