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With Sarah Bird (Global Lead for Responsible AI Engg, Microsoft).
Thu, Feb 29, 2024 @ 08:00 AM   Not Known   Online

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Join us February 29th in NYC & explore the landscape of AI applications

Why attend?
This salon focuses on the ethics, transparency, accountability, & fairness elements of implementing AI applications. In this salon event, you will hear from experts who will share their insights & experiences on how to design, implement, & evaluate responsible AI applications.

Uncover the risks & rewards of AI

AI applications are powerful tools that can help businesses solve problems, optimize processes, & create value. But they also come with risks & responsibilities that need to be addressed.

How can businesses ensure that their AI applications are ethical, transparent, accountable, & fair?

How can they balance the risks of bias, discrimination, privacy violations, & social harms with the rewards of customer satisfaction, stakeholder engagement, & social good?

In this salon event, we will explore these questions & more, focusing on the concept of responsible AI. You will hear from experts who will share their insights & experiences on how to design, implement, & evaluate responsible AI applications.

You will also have the opportunity to network with other enterprise technical executives who are interested in responsible AI, & share your own questions & ideas. Whether you are new to AI or already have some projects under way, this salon event will help you learn how to balance risks & rewards of AI applications.

Don't miss this chance to learn from the best & connect with your peers!
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