Events  Deals  Jobs  NY Tech Week 2024 
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With Pinky Cole (Founder, Slutty Vegan), Derrick Hayes (Founder, Big Dave's Cheesesteaks), Ronak Shah (Co-Founder/CEO, Obvi), Besart Copa, Principal, Antler), Ashish Pareek (Saltoun Capital Partners).
Wed, Jun 05, 2024 @ 06:00 PM   FREE   Antler, 33 W 17th St, 6th Fl
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Come see the cutting edge franchises pitch live.

The audience would get to ask the franchisors questions.

This event is a part of #TechWeek - a week of events hosted by VCs & startups to bring together the tech ecosystem.

Ronak Shah, CEO & Co-Founder at Obvi

Wolf of Franchises, author of a newsletter with 26.4K+ subscribers

Besart Copa, Principal at Antler & 3x founder

Ashish Pareek, Search/ PE CFO at Saltoun Capital Partners

Pinky Cole, Founder of Slutty Vegan

Derrick Hayes, Founder of Big Dave's Cheesesteaks

Pitch Format: 5-minute pitch followed by a 3-minute Q&A from the judges for each presenter. Highlight your story, brand, profit & product. Showcase your brand physically if possible. Slides are optional.

Here is a video from a past event.

Antler VC
We work with founders through our signature founder residency, adding value immediately, & taking no equity up front. We receive over 117,000 applications each year to build companies with us, & have grown to 18 funds with residencies in 26 cities around the globe. Founders also have the opportunity to pitch our Investment Committee to receive a $250k investment for 9%, allowing them to build for 12-18 months rather than attempting to raise before they have real traction.

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