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Get ready for the biggest [startup] sporting event in NYC. LaunchLM will be sponsoring the after-party at Joynture.
Mon, Aug 25, 2014 @ 06:00 PM   $250   UA Maker Academy, 411 Pearl St

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Hosted by Silicon Valley Bank & UA Maker Acade

Get ready to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge!
Want to get back at that VC who passed up on your startup? Or, how about a startup that turned down your term sheet? Whatever the motive, get ready for a night of friendly revenge, networking, and lots of balls as we kick off the inaugural NYC Startup Dodgeball Tournament.

Sign up to secure a spot. Registration only costs $250 per team and all proceeds will be donated to the UA Maker Academy, a high school designed for the next-generation entrepreneur. Learn more at

The matchup will be 5 on 5 but you're encouraged to bring substitutes/fans. Snacks and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided at the gym. Afterwards, we'll head over to a nearby bar to continue the celebration.

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