Were kicking off Climate Week NYC with an exciting event featuring the latest climate technology solutions. Join the For ClimateTech team at Newlab for an immersive day of pitches, panels, & networking opportunities, bringing together over 100 innovators, investors, industry leaders, hardware experts, manufacturers, & more to showcase the latest advancements in climate technology. Hear from nearly 40 innovators in both the Scale For ClimateTech (S4C) & Venture For ClimateTech (V4C) cohorts who are developing climate solutions across four key sectors: Buildings, Transportation, the Grid, & Industry.nWe invite you to come learn & connect!nAgendan11:00 11:30 am: For ClimateTech Reception & Networkingn11:30 12:00 pm:Event Kickoff & Welcome Remarksn12:00 3:00 pm: Venture For ClimateTech Pitches, Presentations, & Networkingn3:00 6:00 pm: Scale For ClimateTech Pitches, Presentations, & Networkingn**SPEAKERS TO BE ANNOUNCED**nPresented by: For ClimateTech, SecondMuse, NextCorps, & NYSERDAnnAbout For ClimateTech:nSupported by the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) & administered by SecondMuse (in NYC) & NextCorps (based in Rochester, New York), the For ClimateTech programs (Scale For ClimateTech & Venture For ClimateTech) help fast track the commercialization of businesses with breakthrough climate technologies, & further strengthens New York state as a hub for climate solutions.nScale For ClimateTech (S4C) provides climate tech hardware innovators with immersive training on manufacturing, & an extensive network of mentors, experts, investors, manufacturers, suppliers, & more all dedicated to supporting business growth & commercialization, & making manufacturing easier.nVenture For ClimateTech (V4C) is a non-profit global venture studio + accelerator program. V4C sources the most promising climate tech innovators from around the world & offers them hands-on support until they are ready for their first customers, pilot runs, & investment.nFor ClimateTech is brought to you by:nSecondMusenSecondMuse is a global impact & innovation company that works with communities to build resilient economies at the intersection of climate, equity, & tech. We do this by designing, developing, & implementing a mix of innovation programming & investing capital to support entrepreneurs & the ecosystems around them.nNextCorpsnNextCorps is a non-profit helping innovative technology companies launch & grow. It supports tech startups & existing manufacturers in building their businesses through a variety of internationally & nationally recognized programs. In addition to its sector-specific startup accelerator programs in optics/photonics/imaging, climate tech, & B2B SaaS, NextCorps also operates a state-of-the-art tech incubator in Rochester, NY, in the heart of the Downtown Innovation Zone, as well as manufacturing specific programs to help grow existing small & mid-sized businesses. NextCorps is an affiliate of the University of Rochester.nNYSERDAnNYSERDA, New York State Energy Research & Development Authority, offers objective information & analysis, innovative programs, technical expertise, & support to help New Yorkers increase energy efficiency, save money, use renewable energy, & reduce reliance on fossil fuels. A public benefit corporation, NYSERDA has been advancing energy solutions & working to protect the environment since 1975.