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With Brian Schechter (Primary VC), Rebecca Mosner (MAXIMIZE), Jozef Maruscak (Sudolabs).
Thu, May 16, 2024 @ 05:00 PM   FREE   WorkHouse, 21 W 46th St, 16th Fl

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Come & mingle with a highly curated circle of startup founders & investors at our Happy Hour! Enjoy some appetizers on us while you catch a laid-back fireside chat that explores the nuances of building & scaling dev tools. We will talk about what it takes to create products that meet market needs, navigating from the idea stage to achieving scalable growth.

17.00-17.30 networking
17.30-18.00 fireside chat + Q&A
18.00-20.00 networking

Fireside Chat Guests:

Brian Schechter - Brian is a Partner at Primary VC, specializing in devtool, data, software infrastructure, & AI businesses. He loves all things company building. Before joining Primary, he was a 2x founder, an active angel, startup advisor, & high-school teacher. At Primary, he invests in early-stage companies & supports founders with the nitty-gritty of getting a business from idea to Series A. Brian experienced first-hand the power of the Primary approach as a founder when Primary led the seed of his second startup.

Rebecca Mosner is a Managing Partner at MAXIMIZE & an experienced brand, content, & community builder in the developer ecosystem. Before co-founding MAXIMIZE, she led teams at MongoDB, built the early social program for DigitalOcean, & founded a brand development agency for early stage e-comm & consumer tech companies. Rebecca loves tackling problems with creative solutions & working with founders who are building technology that will change the world.

Jozef Maruscak - Jozef managed to start multiple legal tech start-ups during his studies at Cambridge University, for which he received a Forbes 30 under 30 award. Venturing from the legal tech space into software development, Jozef co-founded Sudolabs & is currently leading business strategy & sales departments.

This event is organized by Founders Collective (an initiative of in-person events brought to you by Sudolabs) & Maximize.

Sudolabs is a go-to digital product-building studio dedicated to helping US startups & enterprises shape & build their product ideas & set up a long-term growth trajectory. Our team offers custom software solutions, with expertise in product design, software development, & AI & data engineering, to meet the specific demands of your project.

MAXIMIZE is a marketing consulting group that specializes in helping early & growth stage dev tools, data analytics, infra, cloud computing, AI, & B2B SaaS companies find product-market fit & define their GTM strategies at scale. Our expertise includes brand positioning & messaging, GTM & product marketing, content strategy & distribution, building developer communities, & executive coaching & hiring. We aim to deliver outsized value to your growing business with extraordinary, measurable impact.
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