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Mon, May 23, 2016 @ 06:30 PM   FREE   Microsoft, 11 Times Square

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Note: Due to the Holiday, we will be covering this 4 hour course over 3 weeks. On the first two weeks we will cover an hour and a half of material rather than our usual hour. It would be a good idea to pre-watch as much of this course as possible so that you are familiar with the material before the course.

Angular 2 is one of the fastest, most popular open source web app frameworks today, and knowing how to use it is essential for developers. You'll learn how to create components and user interfaces, data-binding, retrieving data using HTTP, and more.

Whether you are new to Angular or new to Angular 2, if you want to create great web apps and stay up to date on the latest app development technologies, you're going to want to come up to speed quickly with Angular 2's components, templates, and services. This course provides the basics you need to get started building an Angular 2 application. First, you'll learn how to set up your environment, learning about components, templates, and data binding and how they work together. Next, you'll discover how to build clean components with strongly-typed code, as well as building nested components and how to use dependency injection to inject the services you build. Finally, you'll cover how to retrieve data using HTTP, navigation and routing, and you'll revisit the Angular 2 setup process. By the end of this course, you'll be up to date on all the latest Angular 2 knowledge and you'll be able to use Angular 2 to create great apps in the future.

About the Author:Deborah Kurata is an independent consultant with over 15 years of experience in designing and developing successful Microsoft .NET applications as well as mentoring software developers. Her focus is on iterative design and development, and automated unit testing. Deborah has authored several books, including the "Doing Objects" series (Addison-Wesley), "Best Kept Secrets in .NET" (Apress) and "Doing Web Development: Client-Side Techniques" (Apress). Deborah speaks at conferences such as VSLive and TechEd. For her work in support of software development and software developers, she has been recognized with the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award.

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