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Mon, May 02, 2016 @ 07:00 PM   $90   Refinery29, 225 Broadway, 25th Floor

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Want to learn to code? Want to learn one language that you can use to build web apps and iPhone apps, do system administration, and security? Why not start with Ruby? This course is a great place to start if you want to learn basic programming concepts and a new language.

Ruby is the programming language underpinning the Ruby On Rails frameworkwhich powers applications and products like Hulu, Groupon, Airbnb, Square, Kickstarter, Github, Shopify and more. There is a thriving, friendly community of users, and the job market for developers is strong. Learning Ruby is the foundation to opening doors to these opportunities, and this class will prepare you for future classes dedicated to the Rails framework.

This class is great for beginners - no previous coding experience required. We will guide you through the basics of programming and learn Ruby along the way. The course will help you think like a programmer, give you some readily-applicable skills, and answer any questions you may have. We'll use the Interactive RuBy shell; write command line programs that use loops, conditionals, methods, and classes; and learn the basics of object oriented programming. We'll mix lecture and practice, and help guide you through the coursework.

CLASS DATES This 4-session Intro to Ruby course runs on Monday and Wednesday for two consecutive weeks.

Monday, May 2nd from 7-9pm
Wednesday, May 4th from 7-9pm
Monday, May 9th from 7-9pm
Wednesday, May 11th from 7-9pm

SLACK CHANNEL: GDI NYC now has a Slack channel! We encourage all of our members to join and chat about your class topic, your projects, your favorite cat videos, etc. You cansign up here!

You will need to provide your own laptop - PC or Mac - to participate in the course.
Please install the following free software prior to class (if you need assistance installing these, we can help you at the beginning of our first session. If your computer is provided by your job, please make sure it will allow you to install software.):


2)Sublime Text 2(If you have a text editor like Atom, Textmate, etc, you're welcome to use that. Word processors like Microsoft Word and Pages cannot be used.)

PLEASE NOTE: Our conference room will be available on the 25th floor at 6:45pm. If you arrive earlier than that, there is a Starbucks on the corner (Broadway and Barclay) that you can pass the time in. Please wait until 6:45 before coming upstairs.

There are no refunds or make-ups for this course.If you end up being unable to attend any or all of these dates, the entire amount of your tuition will be donated to our scholarship fund to help other women who need financial assistance. Thank you for understanding.

Corey Nilan worked as a speech-language pathologist for 8 years before figuring out that she'd rather be a web developer, and she's never looked back. She is currently a Software Engineer at Refinery29. Corey teaches with Girl Develop It and mentors at Dev Bootcamp, and one of her favorite things is helping students get to that "Aha!" moment of understanding a new concept.


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