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Wed, Aug 21, 2019 @ 09:30 AM   FREE   Amazon AWS Loft, 350 W Broadway

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Amazon Redshift Day at the AWS Loft is an opportunity for you to learn about the most popular & fastest growing cloud-based data warehouse. Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, & cost-effective data warehouse that gives you petabyte scale data warehousing & exabyte scale data lake analytics together in one service.

We'll explain the fundamentals, best practices, & take a technical deep dive into Amazon Redshift data warehouse. We'll cover integration with Amazon Data Lake through Amazon Redshift Spectrum, & a few other AWS Analytics services including AWS Glue & Amazon Athena.

Attend if you're technical & looking to evolve your skills to build a cloud-based Data Warehouse solution based on Amazon Redshift that will enable modern analytics use cases. You'll learn the best practices on how to design tables with the proper distribution style, load data into Redshift, & how to fully integrate with Data Lake using Amazon Redshift Spectrum. With Amazon Redshift Spectrum customers can easily query their data in Amazon S3 & extend Data Warehousing out to exabytes with no loading required.

Who should attend

Developers, engineers, architects, Database Administrators, Data Architects, Data Engineers, & systems administrators who are interested in learning about cloud-based Data Warehouse.

To participate in Amazon Redshift Day workshops, please make sure you have completed the following steps at least 24 hours in advance:

1. Check that the laptop you're bringing will allow you to access AWS SDKs, AWS Console & the AWS CLI - this means that you have no restrictions on the machine that would prevent you from making a connection to the AWS environment.

2. Confirm that your AWS account is usable with admin privileges. This should not be an AWS account from the company you work for. This should be a personal account (if you don't have one you should create one before attending the loft). AWS Credits will be provided to cover the cost of the labs.






Introduction to the AWS Loft & Redshift Day


Modernize Your Data Warehouse with Amazon Redshift

Enterprises across the globe are looking to migrate their data warehouse to the cloud. Amazon Redshift is a petabyte scale, highly rated, fully managed cloud data warehouse service; that is used by over ten thousands of customers to get ten times faster performance at one tenth pricing. In this session you will learn about Amazon Redshifts features & functionalities that will help you build a highly performant datawarehouse in cloud.

Level: 200


Lunch + Workshop: Build a Data Warehouse with Amazon Redshift

Enjoy lunch provided by AWS. Amazon Redshift is cloud-based modern data warehouse designed to deliver fast query performance at lowest cost possible. In this session, you will deploy a Redshift Cluster from scratch, create the table schemas using the proper distribution style so that queries can take advantage of Massive Parallel processing using multiple nodes & slices. Additionally you will load data stored in the data lake based on Amazon S3.

Level: 200


Redshift Deep Dive & Best Practices

Do you want to learn about the common best practices & take on a deep dive into Amazon Redshift? In this session we will deep dive into Amazon Redshift & walk you through some of the tuning options to get the most of performance for your queries. You will learn how to use the proper distribution style to maximize data distribution, use of sort keys for query predicates & joins, Workload Management for maximum query throughput & concurrency. Additionally you will learn the newest features available in Amazon Redshift for automatic tuning & increased query throughput during query execution spikes.

Level: 300


Workshop: Analyze data in your Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse & Amazon S3 data lake using Amazon Redshift Spectrum.

Not all of your data is always loaded into your data warehouse, & yet sometimes anaysts need access to it quickly, without waiting on an ETL job to load it. Amazon Redshift is a fast, simple, cost-effective data warehouse service that can extend queries to your data lake using your existing business intelligence tools. This session takes a hands-on approach to show you how to mine your Amazon S3 data lake using open data formats with Redshift Spectrum, a feature of Redshift, without the need for unnecessary data movement. This enables you to analyze data across your data warehouse & data lake, together, with a single service.
Level: 300


Amazon Redshift Day Closing
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