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Instructor is Sam Kamin (exly at Google & Prof. CS @ Univ. of Illinois Urbana Champaign).
Mon, Mar 14, 2016 @ 07:00 PM   $1590   NYC Data Science Academy, 500 8th Ave, Ste 905

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This is a class for computer-literate people with no programming background wishing to learn basic Python programming. The course is aimed at those needing to do data wrangling manipulating downloaded files to make them amenable to analysis. We concentrate on language basics such as list and string manipulation, control structures, and simple I/O, and introduce modules for downloading data from the web.

This is a short course of four weeks, with five hours of class per week (split into 2 hour evening classes). Classes will be given in a lab setting, with student exercises mixed with lectures; students should bring a laptop to class. There will be a modest amount of homework after each class. Due to the focused nature of this course, there will be no individual class projects, but the instructors are available to help students who are applying Python to their own work outside of class.

Dr. Sam Kamin Sam Kamin is Associate Professor Emeritus from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign where he taught computer science for over 20 years and was head of the undergraduate program. Most recently he was an engineer at Google before joining NYC Data Science Academy.

Course Overview
This is a class for computer-literate people with no programming background wishing to learn basic Python programming. The course is aimed at those needing to do data wrangling manipulating downloaded files to make them amenable to analysis. We concentrate on language basics such as list and string manipulation, control structures, and simple I/O, and introduce modules for downloading data from the web. Advanced data analyses, such as machine-learning, are covered in more advanced classes.

Week 1: List manipulation
Simple values and expressions
Defining functions, using ordinary syntax and lambda syntax
o Built-in functions and subscripting
o Nested lists
Functional operators: map and filter
List comprehensions
Multiple-list operations: map and zip
Functional operators: reduce

Week 2: Strings and simple I/O
Strings as lists of characters
Built-in string operations
Input files as lists of strings
Print statement
Reading data from the web
o Using the requests package
o String-based web scraping (e.g. handling csv files)

Week 3: Control structures
Statements vs. expressions
For loops
o Variables in for loops
if statements
o Simple and nested if statements
o Conditional expressions in lambda functions
While loops
o break and continue

Week 4: Advanced topics
File I/O
Using modules and objects
Tree-based web scraping using BeautifulSoup

Upon successful completion of the course and demonstration of your final project, you will qualify for one of three certificates: Extraordinary Standing, Honorable Graduation, and Active Participation.

Certificates are awarded according to your understanding, skill, and participation. No prerequisite needed for the course.
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