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Wed, Apr 03, 2024 @ 03:00 PM   $25   Cre8ive, 134 W 29th St, 2nd Fl, Rm 2-1

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Recruiting is one of the most important areas for founders to focus. This session will focus on how to attract, assess & close the best people to join your team.

This session of Startup Bootcamp will cover:

Attracting the best talent

Building your employer brand

Assessing talent for skill & fit

Closing candidates

Format: This session is a mix of lecture, discussion & workshop.

Who is this for?: Anyone who wants to learn how to grow a startup organization - founders, operators, execs & employees.

The Teacher: The class is primarily taught by Lynx Collective Co-Founder Andrew Chang, a 3x startup COO who has grown organizations from scratch to multi-billion dollar valuations. Most recently, he served for 7 years as the COO of Paxos, the blockchain infrastructure company.

This course is a culmination of all the hard lessons learned & advice collected from operating startups over the past two decades. Andrew has taught it for the past 3 years to hundreds of startup founders & leaders.

Event details & logistics: This event is open to the public & free for Lynx Collective members. Find out how to join our community here.

This event is centrally located in a classroom space on 29th St in Manhattan; details available upon registration.

About the organizers

This event is organized by Andrew & Dorothy Chang - 2 veterans of the tech/startup world & co-founders of Lynx Collective, a startup community for founders & operators.

Find out how to join our community here. We also publish a weekly newsletter focused on helping early stage startups succeed by sharing our knowledge & insights. Subscribe here:

Please register to see the exact location of this event
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