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With Yan Hu (Assoc. Dir. Data Science, Novo Nordisk), Stavros Zervoudakis (VP AI, Mutual of America), Meryem Arik (Co-Founder/CEO, TitanML), Will Benton (Principal Product Architect, Nvidia), Aaron McClendon (Head of AI, Aimpoint Digital).
Thu, Apr 25, 2024 @ 12:00 PM   FREE   Venue, To Be Announced

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The future of work is Everyday AI - that is, AI so ingrained & intertwined with the workings of the day-to-day that it's just part of the business. But how can organizations get there?

The Everyday AI Summit features real-world stories from companies who have found success with AI across a range of themes, from empowering people to technological trends & everything in between.
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